Please fill out this form and click submit to register your child for VBS! Registration deadline is June 13th.
JUNE 11 - JUNE 15th / 5:45 PM - 8:15 PM

WHAT WE NEED: We are looking for volunteers! We have had a few sign up to help out already but we need many more station leaders (you lead a specific area like crafts, games, etc.) and crew leaders (crew leaders take a group of children from one station to the next). If you would like to volunteer email Mike Barton ( or give him a call at 724-482-2630.

Please select one option.
Emergency Contact during VBS (This is the person or persons who will be able to be contacted the week of VBS in case of emergency)


Please fill out this form and click submit to register your child for VBS! Registration deadline is June 13th.